Title of Subject: DIGITAL LOGIC & COMPUTER DESIGN (Major – 2)
Contact Hours: (L:T:P): 4-0-0 Credit: 04 Duration of Exam: 03
UNIT – I: 10 Hours
Number system and codes: Number Systems: Binary number system, decimal number system,
octal number system, hexadecimal number system. conversion from one number system to
another. Complement representation of negative numbers: Signed Magnitude, One’s
complement method, Two’s complement method, Binary Arithmetic. Codes: BCD, GRAY,
EXCESS-3, ASCII and Unicode, error detection and error correction codes.
UNIT – II: 12 Hours
Boolean algebra and logic systems: Laws of Boolean algebra, Boolean laws. Evaluation of
Boolean expression, De Morgan's theorems and proof, simplification on Boolean expressions
using Boolean laws. Basic gates (AND, OR, NOT): truth table, Definition, Boolean expression
and symbols, universal gates (NAND, NOR): truth table, definition, Boolean expression and
symbols, design of basic gates using NAND and NOR gates- Logical gates using NAND and
NOR, Design of given Boolean expression using basic gates or universal gates. XOR and XNOR
gates (Definition, Boolean expression and symbols, truth table).
UNIT – III: 12 Hours
Simplification of Boolean functions: SOP and POS form, min term and max term, expression
of Boolean equation in Min and Max term (conversion of SOP and POS forms to standard form)
K-map method: Rules, simplification of Boolean equation using K-map (up to 4 variables),
without and with don't-care condition, Implementation using basic gates or NAND gate or
NOR gate, Quine - McCluskey Tabulation method, determination and selection of prime
UNIT – IV: 10 Hours
Combination logic: Design procedure, design of half adder and full adder, half subtract or and
full sub tractor. Code converters: - BCD to Excess 3 code, gray code, magnitude comparator,
encoders (BCD to decimal), decoder (decimal to BCD), Multiplexer (4:1 and 8:1)
DeMultiplexer(1:4 and 1:8).
UNIT – V: 12 Hours
Sequential logic: Introduction, Flip-flops — SR, JK, D, T, JK-MS (Detailed Study) Registers —
Introduction, shift register- types and applications. Counters — synchronous and asynchronous
counters (Up, down, up down).
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