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SQL Free Courses


SQL Projects for Beginners to boost their resume!  1. Employee payroll management system https://github.com/ojasphansekar/Employee-Payroll-Management-System 2. Library Management System https://github.com/AlexanderWong/Library-Management-System 3. Student Database Management https://github.com/shardul08/Student-DataBase-Management-System 4. SQL For Data Analysis Full Portfolio Project https://youtube.com/watch?v=zZpMvAedh_E&ab_channel=WsCubeTech 5. Railway System Database https://vikingpathak.github.io/kh-sql-projects/markdown_files/railway_system.html 6. Inventory Control Management https://vikingpathak.github.io/kh-sql-projects/markdown_files/inventory_control_management.html 7. Online Retail Application Database https://vikingpathak.github.io/kh-sql-projects/markdown_files/online_retail_app.html 8. Employee-Payroll-Management-System https://github.com/ojasphansekar/Employee-Payroll-Management-System 9. Music Store Data Analysis Project https://youtube.com/watch?v=VFIuIjswMKM&ab_channel=RishabhMishra 10. Google Data Analytics Certificate http://imp.i384100.net/0ZOBkL 11. SQL for Data Science http://imp.i384100.net/oqJLJE 12. IBM Data Analyst Certificate http://imp.i384100.net/DKAjjG 13. SQL for Data Analysis http://imp.i115008.net/B01xnB 14. SQL for Data Analytics - Learn SQL in 4 Hours https://youtube.com/watch?v=7mz73uXD9DA&ab_channel=LukeBarousse 15. Learn SQL for Data Analysis in one hour https://youtube.com/watch?v=l8DCPaHc5TQ&ab_channel=Chandoo 16. SQL - Complete Course in 3 Hours (Hindi) https://youtube.com/watch?v=hlGoQC332VM&ab_channel=ApnaCollege 17. SQL for Data Science https://youtube.com/watch?v=hlGoQC332VM&ab_channel=ApnaCollege

15 Best FREE SQL Courses With Certification Online (2024)

1. SQL For Data Science Click Here

2. Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
3. Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python
4.SQL for Data Analysis
5.Databases: Relational Databases and SQL 
6. Advanced SQL
7.oracle SQL- A complet Introducation 
8.Oracle SQL Basics
9.Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying
10.SQL Projects for Beginners
11.Introduction to SQL-Free Certificate
12. My Sql- Free Certificate
13. Computer programming - JavaScript and the web