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Course code: 21BSC2C2CSL -- Data Structures using C
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Data Structures Lab 1. List of Programs
2. Index Certificate
1. C program toimplement a dynamic array and find the smallest and largest element of the array
2. a C program to create two files to store even and odd numbers:
Data Structures Lab
Programming Lab Part A:
1. Program to find GCD using recursive function
2. Program to display Pascal Triangle using binomial function
3. Program to generate n Fibonacci numbers using recursive function.
4. Program to implement Towers of Hanoi.
8. Program to read the names of cities and arrange them alphabetically.
9. Program to sort the given list using selection sort technique.
10. Program to sort the given list using bubble sort technique.
Part B:
1. Program to sort the given list using insertion sort technique.
2. Program to sort the given list using quick sort technique.
3. Program to sort the given list using merge sort technique.
4. Program to search an element using linear search technique.
5. Program to search an element using recursive binary search technique.
6. Program to implement Stack.
7. Program to convert an infix expression to postfix.
8. Program to implement simple queue.
9. Program to implement linear linked list.
10. Program to display traversal of a tree.