Open ElectiveC- programming Concepts courses offered by the Department of Computer Science
Course Code: OEC1
Course Title: C Programming Concepts Course Credits: 03
Hour of Teaching/Week: 03 Total Contact Hours: 42
Formative Assessment Marks: 40 SEE: 60
Unit – 1
Fundamentals of Computers: Introduction to Computers - Computer Definition, Characteristics of Computers, Evolution and History of Computers, Types of Computers, Basic Organisation of a Digital Computer; Number Systems – different types, conversion from one number system to another; Computer Codes – BCD, Gray Code, ASCII, and Unicode; Boolean Algebra – Boolean Operator with Truth Tables; Types of Software– SystemSoftware and UtilitySoftware; Computer Languages - Machine Level, Assembly Level & High-Level Languages, Translator Programs – Assembler, Interpreter and Compiler; Planning a Computer Program- Algorithm, Flow chart and Pseudocode with Examples.
Study materials Link:-
Introduction to Computer:
Characteristics of Computer System:
Evolution and History of Computers:
Types of computers:
The basic organization of a Digital Computer:
Number System:
Computer Code:
Boolean Algebra:
Types of Software:
Computer Languages: or
Translator Program:
Planning of Computer Program:,-Pseudocode-and-Flowchart_6945/
Unit – 2
Introduction to C Programming: OverView of C; History and Features of C; Structure of a C Program with Examples; Creating and Executing a C Program; Compilation process in C.
Notes Link:
Creating and Executing a C-program:
C Programming Basic Concepts: C Character Set; C tokens - keywords, identifiers, constants, and variables; Data types; Declaration & initialization of variables; Symbolic constants.
Input and output with C: Formatted I/O functions - printf and scanf, control stings and escape sequences, output specifications with printf functions; Unformatted I/O functions to read and display single character and a string - getchar, putchar, gets, and puts functions.
Unit – 3
C Operators & Expressions: Arithmetic operators; Relational operators; Logical 8 hrs operators; Assignment operators; Increment & Decrement operators; Bitwise operators; Conditional operator; Special operators; Operator Precedence and Associatively; Evaluation of arithmetic expressions; Type conversion.
Control Structures: Decision-making Statements - Simple if, if_else, nested if_else, else_if ladder, Switch-case, goto, break & continue statements; Looping Statements - Entry controlled and Exit controlled statements, while, do-while, for loops, Nested loops.
Unit - 4
Arrays: One Dimensional arrays - Declaration, Initialization, and Memory representation; Two Dimensional arrays - Declaration, Initialization, and Memory representation.
Strings: Declaring & Initializing string variables; String handling functions strlen, strcmp, strcpy and strcat; Character handling functions - to ASCII, toupper, tolower, isalpha, isnumeric, etc.
Unit – 5
User Defined Functions: Need for user defined functions; Format of C user defined functions; Components of user defined functions - return type, name, parameter list, function body, return statement and function call; Categories of user defined functions - With and without parameters and return type.