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SEP  2024-2025  


Title of Subject: C PROGRAMMING LAB (Major – 1)

COURSE CODE: 24MJBCA1P1                                     CIA Marks: 10

SEMESTER: I                                                                   SEE Marks: 40

Contact Hours: (L:T:P): 0-0-4            Credit: 02        Duration of Exam: 03

Part A

Algorithm and Flowchart

o Algorithm Writing

Write algorithms for basic problems such as

              1.   finding the largest of three numbers

              2.  calculating the factorial of a number,   

             3.  generating Fibonacci series.

o Flowchart Design: Draw flowcharts for the above algorithms using standard symbols.

            1. finding the largest of three numbers

            2. calculating the factorial of a number

            3. generating fibonacci series.

Introduction to C Programming

1.Simple C Program: Write a program to display "Hello, World!" and understand the structure of a C program.

2. C Program Structure: Write a program to add two numbers and display the result. Discuss the structure of the C program (including headers, main function, and return statement).

C Programming Basic Concepts

3. Character Set and Tokens: Write a program to demonstrate the use of keywords, identifiers, constants, and variables.

4. Data Types: Write a program to declare and initialize variables of different data types (int, float, char, double).

5. Symbolic Constants: Write a program to define and use symbolic constants.

Formatted I/O Functions

6. printf and scanf: Write a program to read and display an integer, a float, and a character using printf and scanf.

7. Control Strings and Escape Sequences: Write a program to demonstrate the use of different control strings and escape sequences in printf and scanf.

Unformatted I/O Functions

8. Single Character I/O: Write a program to read and display a single character using getchar and putchar.

9. String I/O: Write a program to read and display a string using gets and puts.

C Operators and Expressions

10. Arithmetic Operators: Write a program to perform basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %).

11. Relational and Logical Operators: Write a program to demonstrate the use of relational and logical operators.

12. Assignment and Increment/Decrement Operators: Write a program to demonstrate the use of assignment, increment, and decrement operators.

13. Bitwise and Conditional Operators: Write a program to demonstrate the use of bitwise and conditional operators.

Decision Making Statements

14.  if-else Statements: Write a program to find the largest of three numbers using if-else statements.

15.  Nested if-else and else-if Ladder: Write a program to classify a student's grade based on marks using nested if-else and else-if ladder.

16. Switch Case: Write a program to print the day of the week using switch-case statements.

Part B

Looping Statements

17. while Loop: Write a program to print the first 10 natural numbers using a while loop.

18. do-while Loop: Write a program to print the factorial of a number using a do-while loop.

19. for Loop: Write a program to generate the Fibonacci series using a for loop.

20. Nested Loops: Write a program to print a multiplication table using nested loops.


21. One Dimensional Arrays: Write a program to read and display elements of a one-dimensional array.

22. Two Dimensional Arrays: Write a program to read and display elements of a two-dimensional array.

23. Array Processing: Write a program to find the sum and average of elements in an array.


24. String Handling Functions: Write a program to demonstrate the use of string handling functions (strlen, strcmp, strcpy, strcat).

User Defined Functions

25. Simple Function: Write a program to find the square of a number using a user-defined function.

26. Functions with Parameters: Write a program to calculate the sum of two numbers using a function with parameters and return type.

27. Functions without Parameters: Write a program to display a message using a function without parameters and return type.

Pointers in C

28. Pointer Basics: Write a program to declare and initialize pointers and access the value and address of variables using pointers.

29. Pointers and Arrays: Write a program to demonstrate the relationship between pointers and arrays.

30. Pointer Arithmetic: Write a program to perform pointer arithmetic (increment, decrement, addition, subtraction).


31. Structure Definition: Write a program to define a structure for a student (roll number, name, marks) and demonstrate initialization and access of structure members.

32. Array of Structures: Write a program to create an array of structures for students and display their details.

33. Embedded Structures: Write a program to demonstrate embedded structures (structure within a structure).


34. Union Basics: Write a program to define a union for different data types (int, float, char) and demonstrate initialization and access of union members.

35. Difference between Structures and Unions: Write a program to show the memory usage difference between structures and unions.

File Management in C

36. File Operations: Write a program to create, open,read, write, and close a file.

37. Error Handling in File Operations: Write a program to handle errors during file operations (e.g., file not found, read/write errors).


 Final C Programming Lab Manual 

Program List:  Click Here 

Index : Click Here 

Cover Page: Click Here


Evaluation Scheme for Lab Examination:

Assessment Criteria                                                                                         Marks

Program – 1 from Part A            Writing the Program                                      07

                                                    Execution                                                            08

Program -2 from Part B             Writing the Program                                        07

                                                    Execution                                                             08

Practical                                      Record                                                                05

                                                    Viva-Voce                                                             05

                                                                                                            Total             40